Expert in my field

Hi friends! welcome to a new post in my blog, today i will speak about one expert in my field, Sociology.
The expert in my field, and i admire is my teacher María Emilia Tijoux of Theory II. 
She is a chilean philosopher and sociologist, she studied at the University of Chile and the University of Paris where he graduates from social sciences and the magister in education sciences, finally he is also where he gets his doctorate in Sociology.
This teacher works in investigations of racism, immigrants and the prisoners. She is the coordinator of the sociology of the body and the main promoter of this subject in the country, that is why i admire her, for being the first to promote a topic that has never been worked and that responds to the current situation in the country. To be able to break through in an academy that is predominantly of men, achieving recognition there. she is an intelligent and understanding woman, to have her as a teacher I have realized that she is humble and empathetic with her students, which makes me admire her even more.

About you? Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?
