
Evaluation of your Blogging Experience

Hi friends!  How are you? Today we are in the last post of this blog, so we will talk about how this experience was for me and for you. I think that making a blog was a new experience that I liked and helped me a lot, to write about topics that interest me and think about other issues that ask us, it is interesting to question them and makes them more entertaining to answer. On the other hand, I believe that my writing skills, much more, with this tool, I learned a little bit better and I knew many new words that made me speak also of an exercise that became easier. Finally for future English courses I think that what could be improved is that students can choose the way in which the topics they are interested in to write in their blogs or also put options on topics. To my taste I would like to be able to write about everyday things like what you plan to do in the summer, the music you listen to or your relationship with your friends. This was the last post of this blog friends, le

my favorite asignature

Hi again friends!  welcome to a new post in my blog, today i will speak about my favorite signature and that enjoy studying.  The subject that i had the most fun studying was theory two, in this subject we read and discussed about different authors and main authors for sociology since they pose the main postulates of this and at the same time criticize it. Knowledge of the bases of sociology are very important and then develop them and then understand them for analysis.  The main topics dealt with are the authors who define what is sociology and its subject of study, to them know how it is applied in the sociology of the city, then how it enters into crisis in the Frankfurt school during the nazi regime.  These authors i like to study because i consider them interesting, they are very entertaining to read as they criticize topic that are interesting such as morality, politics or contumbres what makes us think about how those topics can be applied today. About you? tell me what is

Expert in my field

Hi friends! welcome to a new post in my blog, today i will speak about one expert in my field, Sociology. The expert in my field, and i admire is my teacher María Emilia Tijoux of Theory II.  She is a chilean philosopher and sociologist, she studied at the University of Chile and the University of Paris  where he graduates from social sciences and the magister in education sciences, finally he is also where he gets his doctorate in Sociology. This teacher works in investigations of  racism, immigrants and the prisoners. She is the coordinator of the sociology of the body and the main promoter of this subject in the country, that is why i admire her, for being the first to promote a topic that has never been worked and that responds to the current situation in the country. To be able to break through in an academy that is predominantly of men, achieving recognition there. she is an intelligent and understanding woman, to have her as a teacher I have realized that she is humble and


Hi again friends! today i will speak about pets, and why do not i have one i really like pets, my dream is to have many animals in my house, cats, dogs, turtles, etc. But actually i live in department and i have not money to take care of them, also, is a very small place. In my other house, in Rancagua where i live with my family  we do not have pets either because we are many and my little brother is babby, and other brother will not take care of him. My dad does not want to have a pet because it is a very expensive, besides my house is small to have animals, the pets would not have a good life. In the future i would like have pets, a many pets in a very big good place, because i believe that animals are good eaters and cultivate love and responsibility. And uds? i have pets?

my favorite photograph

Hi friend of my blog, today i will speak about my favorite photograph. The pictures are moment of our life, feelings and memories that return when we see them. Because I like photography’s. My favorite photograph is a very recent, it’s a photograph taken by me in the region of Valparaíso, more specific in the ‘’cerro Concepción’’, in Agoust 27 of this year. This photography is my favorite about represent my happiness and my boyfriend too, when celebrate 5 years the relationship. In this photo to see my boyfriends and my in the piano ladder, recreating a photo of the year 2012 when we started our relationship, but in the school. Every time I see the photo, I remember this day, our walk and breakfast together, I remember the feelings, the happiness and the laughter. It is necessary to take photos today that we have the opportunity, we will thank you tomorrow. About you, what’s is your favorite pictures? And because? 


Hi again friends! Today i will speak about mi phone, this is my favorite piece of technology. The phone is my favorite piece of technology since ever, is comfortable and practical. My actual phone i buy it one year ago, and I use for all, for communicate with my parents, my boyfriend, my brothers and mi friends, also to read for the university, works and play games. I use for everything. I like my phone because is like carry a computer everywhere, is comfortable and small. Is practical. Also I like because is nice. I use always, every day, from very early to very late. My life without my phone would be different to my life in Santiago, because my phone is my communication to my family. I think the phone is the very good invention for the humanity, for distance communication .

my career

Hi again fiends, today we will talk about my dreams of child and other career i like. Since I was a child, always I like cooking, always me gift things like that. So since I was child my dream it was study gastronomy, and work in a famous restaurant or have my own cake shop. Over time, I started to like reading and interested in the social conflicts, and began to realize that the gastronomy was not a good option. My family supports me in any option but me is the first person that enters of the university. So, last to think a lot my choice was the career of Sociology. Today is my second year in the career and I very happy. My career I really like, more to gastronomy hahaha. I like my university, my friends and the city; they have all received me very well. I do not even know where o would like to work; I think there is a lot still. Until next week!